Monday, March 21, 2011

Crockpot Craziness!!

Hey ladies! Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 19th. It will be at my house (Rachael Grant) unless someone else is dying to host ;) We will be meeting at 8 so that people can get kids to bed etc. But if you are late, don't hesitate to come---it's very laid back and flexible!

Our theme is "Crockpot Recipes." Since we have 1:00 church now, I am finding that it is best to prepare a crockpot meal before church since we are all STARVING when we come home! But I'm just not LOVING any of my recipes, and would love some new ideas. So bring your favorite crockpot recipes, or even crockpot cookbooks!

But since we probably will all have eaten dinner by 8:00, I'm thinking that instead of actually BRINGING your crockpot meals--- everyone could bring something to munch on--whatever sounds good to you! Like a dessert or appetizer. Remember, bringing food is OPTIONAL, so if you don't have anything to share, come anyway!! And what you bring does not have to be homemade or hard work---I've never seen anyone object to a bag of M&M's, etc ;)

See you then!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fast and Easy OR Kid-friendly Entrees!!

A few of you had commented that you would like some ideas for fast and easy recipes. A few of you came up with some of these ideas at the last meeting regarding crockpot cooking. So I'm adding another element to this month's theme-- kid friendly meal ideas. I know that my kids eat WAY too much Mac and Cheese ;) I could use some new ideas for things that you all are feeding your picky eaters.
So the meeting will be:
DATE: Tuesday, August 24th, 2010
TIME: 8:00 PM
PLACE: TBD (I'm happy to meet here, but anyone is welcome to host if desired ;)

****ALSO---Don't forget to email me your crockpot recipes/summer recipes from the last 2 meetings. I will post the recipes once I have received at least a few more

Monday, July 26, 2010

Slow Cooking Extravaganza!

Our next meeting is:

DATE: Tuesday, July 27th
TIME: 8:00 pm
PLACE: Pam's House
THEME: Crockpot/Slow-cooker or Time-saver Recipes

Check your email for more details. Feel free to bring a tasty dish to share, showing off a good recipe for this month's theme. If you don't have anything to bring, please still come!

Also, if you have any good crockpot tips, come prepared to share your expertise. See you all tomorrow night!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

First Meeting Tonight!

Don't miss our first meeting tonight at 8:00 pm. The meeting will be at Rachael's house. Check your email for more details on the location.

The theme for tonight's meeting is "Summer Recipes." So bring your favorite summer dish to share, and make sure to either bring with you, or email to me--your favorite summer recipes. That way everyone can try out your tried-and-true recipes. See you tonight!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Up and Running

So we are up and running with our "Cooking Gals" blog now.

Please answer the polls to the right indicating what day would be best for everyone, and what kinds of themes we want to explore. 

I'm excited to get started!  I hope everyone will join in the fun---it's not necessary to be an expert chef.  We are just going to have fun, and hopefully learn from each other.  Let me know if you have any additional questions.